Kikyo's diary

This blog introduces daily lives, travel, food, culture, work in Japan.

冬至, Winter solstice on December 22

Today is "Toji", Winter solstice!

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冬至は、1年で最も日が短くて、最も夜が長い日です。この日から段々と日が長くなっていきます。 まだ、とても寒いですが、今日を境に春に向かっています。


“Toji” means the winter solstice in Japanese. Toji is on December 22 in Japan. It is the shortest daytime and the longest nighttime of the year.
The daytime is getting longer and longer from today. 

It is still very cold but,today is the turning point going towards spring.




私は、ゆず湯が大好きです。香りも良く、身体をとても温めてくれて、リラックスできます。 冬至には、公衆風呂でも、ゆず湯をしている所が多くあるので、そこで体験できます。


In Japan, there are traditional customs to take Yuzuyu(yuzu citron bath) and eat pumpkins.
I love Yuzuyu. It smell good and makes my body really warm and relax.
Since many public bathes have Yuzuyu on Toji, you can experience Yuzuyu.